Advent Wealth

November 30, 2010

Advent is a packed season, to state the obvious.  In semi-random order, the liturgical calendar has

7 days of O Antiphons (Dec, 17 -24),

4 days honoring Doctors of the Church  (St. John Damascene on Dec. 4, Ambrose on Dec. 7, St. John of the Cross on Dec. 14, and St. Peter Canisius on Dec. 21),

3 Marian-related days: Immaculate Conception,on Dec. 8,  St. Juan Diego on  Dec. 9,  and  Our Lady of Guadalupe on Dec. 12,

2 days of others mentioned in the Roman Canon (Eucharistic Prayer I): the apostle Andrew (Nov. 30) and martyr Lucy (Dec. 13),

1 day honoring the “missionary second to St. Paul”: St. Francis Xavier (Dec. 3), and

1 day honoring the original St. Nick (St. Nicholas, Dec. 6).

Most concentrated is the week in the middle that begins on Dec. 8 with the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, a reflection of Mary’s unique role in salvation history; continues with Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the Americas (this year option of celebrating it on Dec. 11 or 13); and bookended by the memorial of St. John of the Cross, whose Ascent of Mt. Carmel and Dark Night of the Soul are a large part of Carmelite spirituality.

Also on Dec. 14, this year marks the 25th anniversary of Catherine Doherty’s death, a reminder of the profound impact on me by the Madonna House apostolate. People wondered what would happen to Madonna House when she died. She said if it was of God, it would survive.  The current edition of the Madonna House newsletter Restoration has an issue remembering Catherine Doherty and I’ll link to it later.

Christ the King – a novel view

November 20, 2010

Sunday is the solemnity of Christ the King, a wonderful way to crown the liturgical year.

I will leave the serious theological aspects to others.  For this post, it is yet another aspect of Catholicism illuminated for me by Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings.  Aragorn portrays kingship, as defender and ruler of his people.  His judgment of Beregond is an example of the balance of justice and mercy. 

While I had some idea of “king” before reading LOTR at age 19, the concept of stewardship was somewhat vague.  Yes, I could give you a dictionary definition, but Denethor and Faramir fleshed out the idea of bad and good stewards and what stewardship entails.

So, let us practice good stewardship of what God has given us and tomorrow, let us honor Christ the King.

And the local response is….?

November 1, 2010

Horrible news from Iraq:  Catholics murdered during Mass.  Here’s the Catholic Online report.

Gee, I wonder what the response will be from some  local Catholic parishes?  You know, the ones that spend so much energy scolding Catholics for being fearful and “hate-mongering.” 

Gee, I wonder if they would spend as much energy on their Catholic brothers and sisters?

Don’t hold your breath.

But to state the obvious, pray.